Friday, December 6, 2013

Avellanenc adj. and m. ZOOL. Very small snail (Thebes Pisa) with light brown shell. Bac m. Strong f

Acabacases m. and f. inv. Wasteful, spendthrift. Being a acabacases. Acacia v.. tr. Chasing insistently, to get rushing. V Acatxar. tr. Tilt (head) down. At times adv. In times past to the present or near future. Added m. Something added to another, adding, adding. Your E m. Complete jewelry. V sweep. tr. Remove what dirty soil, weeds, snow, dust, etc.. pushing it aside with a broom. Sweep home. Agret m. BOT. Plant family poligonàcies (Rumex acetosella), similar to the sorrel, vintage tea coffee sugar canisters but small. V Agrunsar. tr. and pron. Engronsar. Aïna adv. Easily, quickly. Not NSAIDs. Hoe f. AGR. Tool used to dig the earth, consisting of a iron with a sharp tip, usually curved at the top, which is fitted transversely to a wooden handle. vintage tea coffee sugar canisters Trousseau m. Set of personal and home that contributes vintage tea coffee sugar canisters to the marriage. Himself v. Ajocar. pron. One. Getting to play. Two. Retiring to bed (any animal or person). Scorpion m. ZOOL. Scorpion. vintage tea coffee sugar canisters Big hole m. ICT. / Food. Fish of the order Clupeiformes, the family of Engraulis (Engraulis encrasicholus) th the back bluish silvery flanks, prominent nose, which is caught in large quantities to be eaten fresh or salt often. vintage tea coffee sugar canisters Alabaster m. Creature had died before the age of reason. V breathed. intr. Exhaled breath or throw. Breathe. Let someone vintage tea coffee sugar canisters without breathing. F basil. BOT. Annual herbaceous plant of the family Labiatae (Ocinum basilicum), very fragrant, white or pink flowers grouped in flats at the head of the stem. V Alfarrasi. tr. Calculated out the amount vintage tea coffee sugar canisters or value (especially green fruits in a field before vintage tea coffee sugar canisters harvest) Alficòs m. AGR. / BOT. Fruit of the alficossera similar to cucumber but more elongated and twisted. Gypsum m. inv. CONSTR. Material for construction obtained by calcination of calcium sulfate dihydrate. Sleeping more than plaster. Alifac m. Veteran. One. Bubeta or synovial tumor located in the hocks of horses, mules, etc.. Two. Sore, scourge. Cistern m. 1 Tank, tank width and shallow cut in the rock or work done, coated on the inside back cover of stones and serves to collect the rainwater. 2 In some localities, small washroom. Mill f. Oleic. Oil mill. Almerç m. Gain business. Almoixàvena f. Gastro. Cake made of flour, butter, egg and sugar, baked in the pan, typical of Xativa. Almud m. METROL. Measure of capacity used in different countries, a variable value. Entonces ... Almud half and four ounces! V. Amer. tr. Wet (something) so that the liquid penetrate, which absorbisca as much liquid as possible. V bury. tr. Putting a shroud deceased. V Ampro. tr. Borrow. vintage tea coffee sugar canisters Platform f. CONSTR. On the top floor of the house, usually aimed at storing some crops. Aponat adj. Nods off with knees bent. F mortar. CONSTR. Mortar made of lime, sand and water used in buildings to join tiles, stones, etc.. V snatch. vintage tea coffee sugar canisters tr. Violently vintage tea coffee sugar canisters take (something) to someone. V Arramassar. vintage tea coffee sugar canisters tr. Gather (what is scattered, scattered things). V scratches. tr. 1 slightly torn skin with nails, claws. 2 take advantage of something, especially by illegal means or little delicate. Arrapafuig maps used in the expression of scratches and flees loc. adv. Quickly, without stopping. V Arremullar. tr. Put something in contact with water, wine, etc.., Take away the salt, it n'amere etc.. M syrup. Food. Concentrated syrup obtained must not fermented, rich in sugars. M ward. METEOR. Heavy rain, downpour. V stirring. tr. Aviv (fire) removing the burn tions for better or blowing or fanning. V Adobe. tr. Dull, disturbing senses and powers mainly to excess heat or violence of blows. Dilapidated adj. That comes into their acts rashly. vintage tea coffee sugar canisters V Aüixar. tr. Ask away animals, frightening them. Used especially referred to the flies and other insects, but also applies to other animals such as cats, dogs, chickens, etc.. Ausades adv. Certainly truth. Aussies v. tr. Helping go up something, raise something falling down under its own weight. Sima m. Geol. Natural cavity or consisting essentially of a well or wells vertical or subvertical walls.
Avellanenc adj. and m. ZOOL. Very small snail (Thebes Pisa) with light brown shell. Bac m. Strong fall of a person on the ground. Fell bac. F fig. BOT. Fig early that certain varieties of fig are in June or in July. In John figs, green or ripe secure. Yawn 1. physiological am. Inspiration mouth, deep, long and involuntary separation of the jaws and followed by a deep and prolonged expiration also often noisy. Two. m. CONSTR. Claver

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