Wednesday, December 4, 2013

We say Marco Plan neighboring municipality of Aldover, which has always fascinated the forest and t

The purpose of this blog is to present a more intense is a riparian forest in the middle stretch of the Ebro, sharing experiences, photos of nature, knowledge of botany, fauna, geology ... Which also aims to disseminate and create dta services a new consciousness regarding the environment and the countryside-natural. All photographs are self-created blog, except those who come in the name indicated other contributing authors.
We say Marco Plan neighboring municipality of Aldover, which has always fascinated the forest and the Ebro in general. Already some time ago I surrounded the idea of a small crosses have a better understanding about the dynamics of the Ebro and part of the middle section and the entire lower stretch dta services of the Ebro, and have achieved a kayak crossing it was the chance to fulfill this little adventure story full of winding river, islands dta services with lush vegetation and a tranquil, transparent waters. This tour we present you about 24 hours and 123 kilometers accumulated lead from the town to the development Flix Rio Mar (at the end of the Ebro Delta). Cristian Lercara This experience not only remarried, Cristian Lercara with me. ROUTE: dta services
This route passes through three of the four regions of the lands of the Ebro Ebro basin, Lower Ebro and Montsant and a series of coastal towns that time ago used this river very often, washing, fishing, transporting goods ... Municipalities see from the river in this tour are: Flix, Asco, Garcia dta services Mora d'Ebre Miravet dta services Benifallet Tivenys, Chert, Tortosa Amposta Santiago and Deltebre. dta services
The numbered circles indicate the location where the photos were taken, you can see the end of this post. The first stage began at 7:15 Flix are people, particularly in the bottom of the dam and the very beginning of Flix meander where the waters are virtually stagnant due to the diversion of the waters. We decided to leave early for the time it strips us as we waited on a long journey to Miravet. dta services Navigation on the morning of the first day was quiet until the arrival of the Asco nuclear plant where there is a dam built with large stone blocks. Precaution before dta services reaching this area we approach the scale on the left bank of the Ebro, scale down the kayaks and with the help of the ropes we lowered the boats slowly. Once we are at the bottom of the kayak and climb again undertake the journey. To the 13:30 we stopped for lunch at Garcia, where there is a rest area with tables dta services on the same side of the pier. Having rested we headed to the island of Sovarrec located on the right bank of the river just before reaching Mora d'Ebre. Once you have passed the town and the bridge through which the N-420 we Galatxo Island which also crossed by the scale inside. dta services Advanced afternoon as we reach Miravet town noted for its hanging houses of the old town and its castle located in the top, we decided to take a short break here. All are tired decided to continue to see the mill Arabic, a pentagonal building located on the right bank of the river. After observing the construction will continue to look for a dry place to spend the night, which we found about five hundred feet below, a small river beach where we decided to stop for the night. dta services
The day began early, at 4:30 llevàvem us to collect everything and navigate at night. With the moon we could not tell because the clouds completely covered. With the help of the front just enough to guide us, the little stream and the lack of lighting made us lost, not knowing quite true that we had no where to go. Slowly and as the day began to target the feeling of disorientation disappeared. The morning was very quiet, no breeze like the previous morning where the only sounds were the birds and the water paddling each. At 7:00 pm through the island and then Cateura bridge Chalupas Benifallet stop to rest a little. At eight Benifallet leave to get to the Weir Xerta to 9:50 pm where we will stop for a snack. Having rested a little to continue the journey to the river beach where Aldover stop for lunch at 13:20 h. Tired from the long day had not yet finished we'll be sleeping in the shade of a Salse. We awoken at 16:30 pm, and we'll collect all paddling again to achieve the objective, the island of oxen. Tortosa there about 17:45 and we will not stop until the island where the horse will arrive about 18:50 pm. Spend the night on the right bank of the river and about 1000 m before reaching the g

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